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Why was my credit card declined?

There are a few possible reasons why your credit card might have been declined; our credit card processing service does not specify the cause. We recommend contacting your credit card provider by telephone for further information.

Most common reasons for credit card declines are:

Incorrect credit card number:
Make sure that the credit card number we have on file for you is correct and up-to-date.
Incorrect expiration date:
Review the expiration date on your credit card. If your card expired, use a newer credit card.
Incorrect billing address and phone number:
Make sure that the telephone number and billing address you've entered match those associated with your credit card.
There were insufficient funds on your credit card. Credit card limit reached:
Check your credit limit. You may have reached your daily or total credit card limit on the day we attempted to charge your card. If this is the case, ask your credit card company to increase your limit.
Maximum amount allowed for a single charge exceeded:
Check the maximum amount your card can be charged at a single time
Maximum number of charges card can receive in a period exceeded:
Check how many times your card can be charged in given time period. If you've exceeded this amount, you can try submitting a new card. You can also talk to your bank about increasing this limit or simply wait until your card can be charged again.
Card doesn't accept charges from an online source:
Make sure your card allows online transactions. If not, talk to your credit card company or enter a new credit card to process the charge.
Card doesn't allow for automated billing:
Ask your credit card company if they allow automated billing, or if they occasionally call to verify a charge. If approved by your bank, retry your current card or enter a new card to process the charge.
Card doesn't allow for international transactions:
Make sure that your card can accept international charges. If not, try entering a new card to process the charge.